Is There A Link Between Childhood Abuse & Autoimmune Disorders? Treatment Options for CPTSD

This research seeks to analyze data linking repeated sexual trauma or neglect during childhood to the onset of autoimmune disorders in adulthood. Hypothesizing the onset of these disorders can give us a better predicator on how to nurture systematic symptoms of mental and physical distress. Over 81% of autoimmune disorder diagnoses are for women, and a majority of them have no cure or clear pathway of treatment. Holistic methods involving both western and eastern medicine are looked at for their fast acting effects while avoiding long term side effects. The goal of this paper is to provide the most appropriate treatment for these disorders, giving these individuals an opportunity to live a fulfilling life.

                Early Childhood Neglect & Sexual Trauma Linked To Autoimmune Disorders
Identifying Holistic & Rewarding Treatment Options For The Incurable

        Autoimmune disorders are a class of diseases that are rising in the United States, largely due to the western diet and lifestyle. Crohn's disease, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, and Multiple Sclerosis (MS) to name a few, are some the most prevalently seen and almost all of these disorders are diagnosed to women (about 16 times more than men). Studies show that genetic factors, environmental stressors, family history of mental illness and previous traumatic experiences are strongly linked to the onset of autoimmune in adulthood. The body lives in a constant state of survival, fighting off chronic inflammation, viral infections and progressive musculoskeletal pain. Unfortunately our medical system hasn’t formulated an effective cure for these conditions, however there’s a multitude of treatment options to maintain a pain free-life, but it comes with an astronomically high cost (World Economic Forum, 2022)..
During the early stages of development, children that are subject to extreme neglect, physical abuse or childhood sexual abuse (CSA) have immunological and neuroendocrine inflammatory responses that have been indicated as a widespread phenomenon within their body. Literature also indicates that familial psychiatric and physical illnesses are often brought up in poverty (Hooley, 2021), so these children not only have abuse affecting their livelihood, but an environment of mediocre care and lack of nutrition. In 2022, Fox News released media that exposed California jail systems for releasing several thousands of pedophiles within one year of their conviction. These perpetrators were proven guilty on all levels of sexual deviance. These children lacked support within their families, medicare system and judicial system. Their bodies are keeping the score (Bessel van der Kolk, 2014). 
Some of the main points Dr. Kolk mentions in his book about childhood trauma, whether it was mental, emotional or physical are four aspects: #1: Trauma affects both our minds and our bodies, #2: You might be stuck inside a cage without knowing it, #3: Chronic pain leads to an addiction to pain (substance abuse and suicidal tendencies included), #4: and quiet, relaxed people are often the ones that don't seek help. Oftentimes this contributes to the major factor of comorbid disorders associated with AD. Clinical depression, PTSD, agoraphobia, psychosis and bipolar disorder (Weiss MD, Denver Health Medical Center, 2005) seem to be common psychiatric manifestations of MS, Lupus and type 1 diabetes. 
         Complex PTSD is traumatic experiences ranging in styles of neglect or abuse, extended over several months, years or even decades. A journal published by Bob Shapell School of Social Work takes a look into prolonged abuse between mothers and daughters and found that early onsets of these tragic happenings result in a severe malfunction of one's bodily perception and ways of interpreting sensations. The parent-child dynamic is now “shattered” in terms of trust and secure-attachment. The child now or will often develop a “person outside the self” and experience their life in dissociation or constant fear, which then results in chronic inflammation, inability to experience joy or an inevitable preconception that all experiences are painful. This journal goes onto say that out of 194 mothers, 87% of this trauma was a repeated experience passed down from mother to daughter, hence creating a lower empathic resonance, contaminating future generations of the family (Noga Tsur, My Own Flesh And Blood, 2020). 

       Denver Medical Health Center illustrates psychiatric symptoms most prevalent in AD such as MS, Lupus and Hashimotos are listed as anxiety 40%, irritability 35%, apathy 20%, euphoria 13%, disinhibition 13%, hallucinations 10%, aberrant motor behavior 9%, and delusions 7%. Brain matter deterioration, cognitive decline and delirium are typically unpredictable and rapid onset - resembling much of schizophrenia. Hooley also speaks about children, even if adopted, have 15-25% chance of developing psychotic symptoms or schizophrenia of family members that already suffer from the illness. Emotional exposure such as overinvolvement and criticism about someone's behavior and mental health can considerably progress psychiatric and somatic symptoms of these illnesses (Hooely, 2021). 

	The later onset of AD can be due to genetic factors that become activated after being dormant for a persons lifetime. The Epstein Bar Virus can be contracted from a viral infection (like during pregnancy or COVID), and set off an underdeveloped immune response. Vitamin B12, zinc, folic acid could be diminished during this infection, and then there's a loss in the family (as an example), catastrophizing the illness even worse. EBV is heavily influenced by drastic hormonal shifts (menopause, pre menstruation and pregnancy). Fortunately, if there's minimal signs of PTSD or other comorbid mental disorders, a healthy maintained diet has been shown to heal people from EBV. Lupus, MS and fibromyalgia have been shown to be triggered by mono. Michelle, newly pregnant, had her first onset of MS at 37 after she became very ill, however she did get mono when she was 17 (Medical Medium, 2011). Michelle found information published by Dr. Anothony William; he states this healing lifestyle can take 18 months of strict instructions to fully recover from EBV. Certain fruits and vegetables he highlights for healing EBV are; celery (juice form), due to its ability to strengthen hydrochloric acid in the gut and provide mineral salts to the central nervous system; grapefruit: rich source of bioflavonoids and calcium to support the immune system and flush toxins out of the body; cucumbers: strengthen the adrenals and kidneys and flush neurotoxins out of the bloodstream, and the list goes on. Cats claw, licorice root, red marine algae, nettle leaf and many more supplements are added to this diet to kill certain bacterias that activate EBV.
	Those with CPTSD and autoimmune disorders suffer from chronic fatigue, musculoskeletal pain and joint inflammation, oftentimes creating such a somatic dysfunction that job responsibilities, skin irritation and even exercise can be impacted. Hooley explains that the temporal-parietal junction (a suture in the cranium that is responsible for identifying self, beliefs, reality vs. fantasy and even sensory regulation) is critically impacted with both mental and physical aspects of these traumas (ch. 11 & 13). Craniosacral, an osteo therapeutic modality used by acupuncturists, chiropractors, massage therapists and naturopathic doctors, use a “parietal hold” technique that separates constricted tissue on the external walls of the cranium to allow for optimal cerebral spinal fluid flow. Cerebral spinal fluid flowing within it’s natural rhythm can regulate the central nervous system and immediately activate the parasympathetic nervous system, allowing for the brain to rest and restore damaged tissue, remove brain fog, have more musculoskeletal mobility and temperance with pain/pleasure sensations emotionally and physically, as well as improving sleep. This improved sleep can potentially allow for repressed memories or emotions from CPTSD to come up in a peaceful manner for processing and release from the body its long-standing pain (Body Syndromes, John Kappas, HMI). NIH has found that pelvic floor dysfunction and irritable bowel disorders are highly common with AD. 
Craniosacral combined with lymphatic drainage massage, cupping, acupuncture, and hypnosis are widely accepted  modalities that specify intentionality towards chronic inflammation, joint pain and nerve sensitivity and can drastically improve someone's affect of AD. Although there isn’t enough empirical evidence to support an “end all, be all” cure for these disorders, it can alleviate chronic symptoms and allow the individual to live a pain-free life without hyperfocusing on their diagnoses. There are other studies that show being removed from as much stress and living a minimalist lifestyle can be conducive to preventing a dormant illness from sprouting again. Although many with suffering seek medication during devastating periods, not even half stick with it, let alone the population that cannot afford healthcare. Alternative treatments such as the ones we’ve covered are often not covered by insurance unless you have a clinical diagnosis (which takes over a decade to establish for most with AD). 
	Hooley explains that those at risk for PTSD or progressing mental illness often come from unpredictability and lack of preparedness, or a support structure. So when seeking treatment, those should be seen as a priority. Getting craniosacral, taking medication and eating a clean diet during the cycle of present active abuse is like running on a broken ankle. A fulfilling life is attainable if resources can be known, as the Medical Medium says, knowledge is power.
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Body Syndromes