Body Syndromes
A body syndrome is a physical manifestation of an emotional trauma. When an emotion is held in or repressed instead of being processed and released, the emotion will express itself as physical discomfort. Prolonged discomfort may, over time, become disease, hence the focus of modern medicine to prevent “stress-related” diseases such as ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) Epstein- Barr, etc.
The mechanism whereby emotions become manifest in the body is the nervous system. Emotions travel along the nervous system as electrical impulses that end up in areas of soft tissue. Cells of the soft tissue area are equipped with “emotion receptors” that receive both positive and negative emotions. The intensity, frequency, and duration of these emotions then affect the cells in either positive or negative ways, contributing to health or illness in the person.
Our body speaks to us through bodily symptoms. The symptoms are usually connected to the past events, unresolved issues, accumulated traumas, conditions, attitudes, and beliefs. This can have some pretty substantial health consequences. According to Dr. C. Norman Shealy, the founder of the American Holistic Medical Association, at least 85% of illnesses are the result of lifestyle. The remaining 15% is due to environmental and genetic factors.
According to Dr. John Kappas, there are five basic body syndromes:
A. Crying Syndrome
B. Responsibility Syndrome
C. Sexual Frustration, or Guilt Syndrome
D. Fight Syndrome
E. Flight Syndrome
For more information about these syndromes please email for an indepth workbook on how these syndromes affect the body.